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Long & Short Paragraph on Independence Day: 15 August

Long & Short Paragraph on Independence Day: 15 August

Paragraph on Independence Day: Independence is essential for every nation and its pupils in order to progress and prosper. Without a government of its own, a nation is like a slave who cannot function or takes decisions for the wellness of its own people leading them to live a life of misery and sorrow under the suppressive rule of foreign invaders. Thus, Independence and self-rule are given the highest priority by every progressive nation in the world. Even the people of all cultures, classes, and religions acknowledge the significance of Independence and that it is mandatory for a happy and prosperous nation.

India, too gained independence from British Empire on 15th August 1947, and thus it fervently celebrates August 15 as its Independence Day. It is the most significant Indian holiday and has been declared a national holiday. Also, it is reverently celebrated throughout the country by all the citizens, irrespective of their religion, caste, culture, language or ethnicity.

Long & Short Paragraph on Indian Independence Day

We have shared below some short and long paragraphs on Independence Day of India under different word lengths.

We wish these Independence Day paragraphs will help school students in completing their school projects / assignments or during exams / class tests when they are assigned to write a paragraph or paragraphs on Indian Independence.

These paragraphs are written in simple words so that the reader can easily understand the meaning and use it as a sample in order to prepare their own essay, article, etc., depending upon the occasion and their needs.

Paragraph on Independence Day 100 words: Sample 1

Independence Day is a National Festival of India celebrated on the 15th of August. India became a free country on this day, and it’s only then we could secure our democratic rights as citizens of India. Our Independence gives us the reason to enjoy our fundamental rights laid down by the constitution. We are now a self-governed democratic country and have voting rights. The feeling of self-reliance and freedom fills the heart of the citizens with supreme happiness and joy. It is all due to the tireless efforts and numerous sacrifices of many great people who sacrificed their lives without fear.

Paragraph on Independence Day 150 words: Sample 2

Every year on the 15th of August, India celebrates Independence Day. India became an independent country in the year 1947. Thus, a gazetted holiday is declared annually to commemorate this date. Each of us is born free, dies free, and wants to live free. India achieved its Independence with great struggle and effort. Several freedom fighters and many great men sacrificed their lives to achieve the nation’s freedom from the grip of British rule.

The movement for independence in India was started by the Indian freedom fighters under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. These freedom fighters endured severe struggles in order to achieve the nation’s freedom. 15th August is celebrated with high enthusiasm in order to pay honour to our legendary freedom fighters, who sacrificed their lives for our motherland. Independence Day motivates us to love our country and be forever willing to sacrifice our lives for its honour and integrity.

Paragraph on Independence Day 200 words: Sample 3

15th August 1947 is a day of great significance in the history of India. India achieved freedom from British rule on this auspicious day and became free and democratic. It’s a historical day as several freedom fighters sacrificed their lives to liberate the nation. The respect for Independence Day is still strong in the hearts of every Indian, which can be easily evinced from the nationwide grand celebrations.

It’s a spectacular scene, and different states celebrate the occasion in a different ways, but the view of the capital city is fabulous. Pipe railings are fixed on the sides of the road leading to the Red Fort and hundreds of loudspeakers get fixed around the fort so that even distant people can hear the speech of the Prime Minister without any difficulty. In order to regulate the traffic, police deputations are posted in large numbers who also ensure the security of the V.I.Ps, diplomatic envoys, foreign dignitaries, Ministers and Members of Parliament, etc.

Media also plays an important role and ensures that no single event gets missed by the common citizen; hence, Doordarshan, other TV channels, and All-India Radio make special arrangements for a live telecast along with the running commentary.

Paragraph on Independence Day 250 words: Sample 4

Independence Day in India is celebrated with high zeal, fervour, and great enthusiasm on the 15th of August every year. Every particle of the atmosphere gets charged with the affection of the motherland on this significant day. Small children carry Tri-colours in their hands, heading with zeal towards their schools early in the morning to become a part of the flag hoisting ceremony and participate in different events in their schools. Almost every vehicle, such as cars, auto rickshaws, motorbikes, etc., would have a tri-colour flying on the top of it. Patriotic songs can be heard at every corner of the street.

Independence Day is highly significant as India achieved its freedom on this remarkable day. We celebrate this day in order to pay honour to countless Indian citizens who dedicated their lives to the service of our country and sacrificed everything to win back its freedom. This is also an occasion to glorify the great Indian culture and tradition, which has impressed the whole world.

This day is marked by the flag hoisting ceremony by the honourable prime minister of India at the Red fort, who also delivers a speech addressing the citizens of India. Independence Day is celebrated with equal enthusiasm at every government and private institution, including schools, colleges, and universities. Flags are hoisted, and sweets are distributed to honour this day of historical importance. Almost 70 years have passed since India achieved Independence, but the day will always remain as young as it was 70 years before.

Paragraph on Independence Day 300 words: Sample 5

India is a democratic country. We all celebrate Independence Day on August 15th every year, but there is a history behind how India became Independent. After the Britishers ruled for 200 long years, some of the great people launched the freedom fight against British rule under the leadership of Great Mahatma Gandhi. Eventually, India became a free nation on 15th August 1947.

At midnight when the entire world was sleeping, India rose as a free nation promising peace, equality, prosperity, and liberty. On the first Independence Day, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of free India, celebrated this occasion by hoisting the Tricolour National Flag at the Red Fort, which later became the tradition.

The zeal and enthusiasm of people towards the celebration of Independence Day are increasing year after year. Print and online media, including TV Channels and Radio Broadcast, get charged with patriotism. Inspirational Films and programs based on patriotic concepts are telecasted to educate people and children about the various incidents and stories of our freedom struggle in order to inspire people’s love for our motherland. Newspapers also print special editions, including inspirational stories of our freedom fighters or excerpts written or quoted by great philosophers.

Independence Day, therefore, is an important day for every Indian. It reminds us of the great sacrifices made by our freedom fighters to liberate our motherland. It also reminds us that our ancestors have performed their share of duties with great motivation and dedication, and now it’s our turn to give even a better shape to our country so that India remains equally respectable worldwide as it ever is. We are India’s future, and the nation now looks up to us to remain as prosperous and peaceful as it used to be.

Paragraph on Independence Day 350 words: Sample 6

15th of August, 1947 is a highly respectable day for India as it was on this auspicious day when India achieved its freedom from British rule. The day is celebrated as Independence Day, declared a national holiday countrywide. The British had ruled over India for around 200 years. They came to India for trading purposes and soon became the rulers due to our internal discords and misunderstandings, which offered them better scopes to establish their hegemony.

Our Independence is marked by freedom movements and the non-violence movement led by the great leader Mahatma Gandhi. His witty tactics and quality of great perseverance stood out, to which the Britishers finally had to succumb. The Independence movement was such an inspiring force that it united everyone belonging to different castes, religions, classes, or beliefs. Women also joined the movement, and great women like Sarojini Naidu, Aruna Asaf Ali, Vijay Laxmi Pandit, Kasturba Gandhi, Kamala Nehru, and Annie Besant contributed largely to the freedom movement.

In order to celebrate this glorious day, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of Independent India unfurled the National Tricolour Flag on the ramparts of Red Fort for the first time; this day is celebrated with much zeal as Independence Day across the country. It has become the National Festival, and the fervour and enthusiasm of our countrymen are worth observing. 15th August is declared the National Holiday, and major government and private offices, schools, colleges, universities, shops, factories, and other business enterprises remain closed on this Day.

Even though it’s celebrated at a grand level in all the States and the Union Territories; in the capital city, Delhi, it is celebrated in a very special manner; the respected Prime Minister of India hoists the National Flag in the traditional manner at the Red Fort in front of a huge congregation of the Indian citizens and the foreign dignitaries. The Prime Minister also delivers the speech sharing information about the development and progress made by the country and the problems encountered, the dangers that may lie ahead, and future plans are highlighted.

Paragraph on Independence Day 400 words: Sample 7

Independence Day is when every citizen of India pays honour to their respected leaders and to all those freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of India in the past. It’s a great celebration day, and during the entire period of Independence Day, major government buildings are decorated with strings of lights along with the beautiful tricolour that waves from the rooftop of various homes and buildings of our country lovers.


The effort for India’s Independence started in Meerut with the Sepoy Mutiny in 1857. Later, the Indian National Congress and different political organizations launched the independence movement nationwide under the guidance of the great leader Mahatma Gandhi in the 20th century. After a lot of struggle and losing the lives of several freedom fighters and citizens of our country, colonial powers were finally aborted, and independence was granted to India on August 15, 1947.

India thus became a free country, and the first prime minister of Independent India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, gave his popular “Tryst with Destiny” speech.


Kite flying adds to the Independence Day celebration in places like Delhi and various other cities. The sky gets dotted with numerous kites flown from the rooftops, and the fields symbolize the freedom of India. The Red Fort of Delhi also holds great significance in relation to Independence Day as the first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru unveiled the flag of India at this place on August 15, 1947.

Our national flag is divided horizontally into three colours: saffron at the top, white in the middle, and green at the bottom in the same proportion. A navy-blue wheel is embedded in the centre called chakra with 24 spokes. It is influenced by the wheel appearing on the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka.

The Celebration:

Independence Day is observed on 15th August in India’s states and union territories. The respected President of India addresses a speech to the nation on the eve of Independence Day. On the day of Independence, the honourable prime minister hoists the tricolour Indian Flag on the ramparts of the historic Red Fort in Delhi and delivers a speech highlighting the past achievements and the plans for future development.

Flag hoisting observance and cultural program celebrations take place in various governmental and non-governmental institutions throughout India. Independence Day in India is a national holiday; thus, the major offices and schools remain closed.