10 Class Science Periodic Test I B (2018-19)
Class: X
M.M: 20
Time: 35 min
General Instructions:
- This question paper consists of 9 questions in all. All questions are compulsory
- Answer the questions after carefully reading the text
- Q.No. 1 carry 1 mark
- Q.No. 2-6 carries 2 marks each
- Q.No. 7-9 carries 3 marks each
Question: 1. What happens when Silver Chloride is exposed to sunlight? Write chemical equation for this reaction.
Question: 2. What is the difference between thermal and thermite reactions? Write equations for these reactions.
Question: 3. What is chemical reaction? Illustrate its properties.
Question: 4. What is an redox equation? Is it exothermic or endothermic? Give one example of redox reaction.
Question: 5. Balance the following chemical reactions.
- NH4NO2 → N2 + H2O
- SO2 + H2S → H2O + S
Question: 6. What happens when
- Zink Oxide reacts with Carbon.
- Lead Sulphide reacts with Hydrogen per Oxide.