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8th Social Science Annual Exam (2018-19)

8th Social Science Annual Exam (2018-19)

School Name: Venkateshwar Global School, Sector 13, Rohini, Delhi 110085 India
Time: 3 hour
M.M. 80 marks
Date: 18/02/2019
Subject: Social Science

Class: VIII

General Instructions:

  • Please check that the question paper contains 03 printed pages.
  • Please check that the question paper contains 31 questions.
  • Please write down the serial number of the question before attempting it.
  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Please read the paper carefully and write all your answers only on the Answer Sheets provided separately.
  • Use a pencil to draw and label the diagrams.

Very Short Answer Questions [1×11 = 11]

Question: 1. Who formed the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association?

Question: 2. How can you say that judiciary is an independent body?

Question: 3. Give the formula for calculating the density of population.

Question: 4. Define Sustainable Development.

Question: 5. Which is the highest Revenue Court in a District?

Question: 6. What was the recommendation of the Mandal Commission?

Question: 7. List any two problems that needed immediate solution in post-partition India.

Question: 8. Which act ordered every new recruit to serve overseas, if required?

Question: 9. Name the British official who because the first Viceroy under the Crown.

Question: 10. What do you mean by Actual Resources?

Question: 11. Classify the natural resources on the basis of origin.

Long Answer Questions [3×15 = 45]

Question: 12. Define the following terms:

  1. Infant Mortality Rate
  2. Life Expectancy
  3. Death Rate

Question: 13. Explain the various Socio-Cultural factors affecting the Density of Population.

Question: 14. Differentiate between Small Scale and Large Scale Industries.

Question: 15. Classify industries on the basis of ownership.

Question: 16. Distinguish between High Court and Supreme Court.

Question: 17. ‘Although the Revolt of 1857 was an important event in the history of India, it failed to achieve its objectives.’ Validate the above statement with respect to the reasons leading to the failure of the Revolt.

Question: 18.

  1. ‘The Constitution of India recognizes the Right to Water as a part of the Right to Life under Article 21.’ What do you mean by this?
  2. However, around 700 million people in 43 countries suffer today from water scarcity. By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-third of the world’s population could be living under water stressed conditions.

What steps can you as a part of this world take in order to conserve water? What values do we learn from this? [1+1+1]

Question: 19. Discuss any three weaknesses of India which still exist even after 60 years of Independence.

Question: 20. Explain the principles which formed the bedrock of relationship between India and People’s Republic of China.

Question: 21. List the initiatives taken by the government in the field of education for the welfare of the people.

Question: 22. What are human resources? Why are they considered to be the most important of all resources?

Question: 23. List the steps that we can take to conserve resources. How have the changing human needs along with the technological advancement facilitated the varies use of natural resources?

Question: 24. Mayank has to set up a Cotton Textile Industry. Which factors should he keep in mind while deciding the location of his industry?

Question: 25. ‘The government has given many benefits to the OBCs to achive the full implementation of 27% reservation.’ Explain.

Question: 26. ‘Nyaya Panchayat maintains justice in the rural areas. A similar concept has being referred to here.

Very Long Answer Questions [5×4 = 20]

Question: 27. (A). What do you mean by manual scavenging? What are the efforts made by the government to eradicate this practice? [3] (B). Name the person who gave the concept of ‘Sulabh International’. What were its objectives? [2]

Question: 28. ‘The Battle of Plassey was fought in 1757.’ Explain the above statement with reference to the participants and result of the Battle.

Question: 29. Explain the different components of the population composition.

Question: 30. Why did the Congress start the Non Cooperation Movement? Why was it withdrawn prematurely?

Map Work [1×4 = 4]

Question: 31. On a physical map of India, name and locate the following:

  1. the place where Gandhiji organised the Satyagraha campaign in support of the mill workers.
  2. the place where the Revolt of 1857 was led by Khan Bahadur Khan.
  3. An early French settlement in India.
  4. the place where the INC session of December 1927 was held.

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