Wednesday , March 26 2025

Development: 10th CBSE Economics

Question: What is development?

Answer: It is a comprehensive term which includes increase in real per capita income, improvement in living standard of people, reduction in poverty etc.

Question: Mention any two development goals of a landless rural labourer.


  1. More days of work and better wages.
  2. Quality education for his children.

Question: Mention any two developmental goals of a girl.


  1. Gender equality
  2. Girls empowerment

Question: Mention any two developmental goals of people other than income.


  1. Equal treatment
  2. Respect of others

Question: Mention any two developmental goals of a rural woman.


  1. Dignity in the household.
  2. A safe and secure environment.

Question: What is national development?

Answer: National development is a comprehensive term which includes improvement in living standard of the people, increase in per capita income, providing social amenities like education, medical care, social services, etc. to the citizens of the country.

Question: Mention any two national development goals of India.


  1. Corruption free society.
  2. High per capita income.

Question: Which is the most important attribute for national development?

Answer: National income per capita income of the nation.

Question: ‘For comparing countries, total income or national income is not a useful measure’. Give reason.

Answer: Since countries have different population, comparing total income will not tell us what an average person is likely to earn.

Question: What is average income or per capita income?

Answer: When the total national income is divided by the total population, it is called the per capita income.

Per Capita Income = National Income/Population

Question: What is the most important component for comparing different countries?

Answer: Per capita income.

Question:Which criteria is used by the world Bank to classify different countries?

Answer: Per capita income.

Question: Which organisation classifies countries as rich countries and low income countries?

Answer: World Bank.

Question: Which countries have been categorized as rich countries according to the World Development Report?

Answer: Countries with per capita income of US $ 12,476 per annum and above in 2016 are called rich countries.

Question: Which countries have been categorized as low countries according to the World Development Report 2016?

Answer: Countries with per capita income of US $ 1,025 or less are called low income countries.

Question: Under which category India has been placed by the Wold Bank Development Report.

Answer: Low middle income countries as India’s per capita income is less than US $ 1340.4 or less.

Question: What are developed countries according to World Development Report?

Answer: All the countries excluding countries of Middle East and certain other small countries which have per capita income of US $ 12, 476 per annum or above have been termed as development countries.

Question: What is Literacy Rate?

Answer: It measure the proportion of literate population in the seven and above age group.

Question: What is Net Attendance ratio?

Answer: It is the total number of children of the age group 14 and 15, attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same age group.

Question: What is Gross Enrollment Ratio?

Answer: It is the enrollment ratio for primary, secondary and age group.

Question: Which Indian state has the lowest Infant Mortality Rate?

Answer: Kerala.

Question: Mention any two things which money cannot buy.


  1. Peace
  2. Freedom

Question: What is Public Distribution System?

Answer: It is a food security programme under which government provided food-grains and other essential items to the poor at an affordable price.

Question: What is Human Development Index?

Answer: It is an index prepared by the World Bank under which all the nations according to their performance in various parameters like per capita income, life expectancy, literacy rate, etc.

Question: What are the three components of Human Development Index?


  1. Per Capita Income
  2. Life Expectancy
  3. Literacy Rate

Question: What is India’s rank according to 2015 HDI?

Answer: 130

Question: Mention any two parameters where Sri Lanka has scored over India in HDI.


  1. Per capita income
  2. Literacy rate

Question: Define life expectancy in India?

Answer: Average expected length of life of a person at the time of birth.

Question: What is life expectancy in India?

Answer: 62.8 years (Census 2011)

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