Friday , March 28 2025

Manufacturing Industries: 10th Social Science

Question: Why textile industries are referred as reliant industries?

Answer: The textile industry contributes 14% to industrial production in India. In terms of employment generation, this industry is the second largest after agriculture. 35 million persons are directly employed in the textiles industry in India. The contribution of textiles industry to GDP is 4%. This is the only industry in the country which is self-reliant and complete in the value chain.

Question: Name the largest Sugar industries producer in the world. Give in the examples.

Answer: Currently, Brazil is the largest sugar producer in the whole world. After Brazil, India is the 2nd largest sugarcane and Asia Number one sugar producer country in the world. Indian sugar industry is entirely based on the availability of sugar canes.

It is the largest producer of gur and khandsari. There are over 460 sugar mills in the country. They are spread over Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh. Sixty percent mills are in UP and Bihar. This industry is seasonal and hence is more suited to the cooperative sector.

Question: Why sugar industries are shifting from Uttar Pradesh to Maharashtra?

Answer: Sugar industry is shifting from north to south due to following reasons:

  1. The sugar contents in the cane is high that is 10.5 % in Maharashtra other southern states.
  2. Climate is suitable for the cultivation of sugarcane.
  3. South has better export facilities than north.
  4. Cooperative sugar mills are more successful in management in south India.
  5. The peninsular climate helps to extend the crushing by two months in the south India than north India.

Question: Why Sugar industry is a Cooperative sector industry?

Answer: The sugar industry is seasonal in nature and so ideally suited to the cooperative sector. For the entire year the farmers are engaged in producing sugarcane as it is an annual crop. The seasonal nature of the sugar industry is combated by setting up cooperative where farmers share the profit and losses.

Question: Mention the problems faced sugar industries.

Answer: Challenges for Sugar industry: Seasonal nature of industry, old and inefficient methods of production, transport delay and the need to maximize the use of baggage are the major challenges for this industry.

Question: Give the importance of aluminium industries.

Answer: Did you know aluminium (or aluminium) is present in more than 270 minerals? It is lightweight and malleable and thus makes aluminium a popular metal that we use for day-to-day living. It’s a multi-purpose metal, used for aluminium foil to wrap up leftovers to manufacturing home appliances. We use aluminium everywhere!

The metal was made popular in home appliances by Apple. The creative geniuses created a laptop made from aluminium, because, it is a cost effective metal, easy to source and find.

Question: Mention the major plants of Aluminium in India.

Answer: India is a big aluminium producer in the world. It also houses a number of aluminium plants which includes aluminium smelting plants, aluminium extrusion plants, alumina refineries, FRP plants, wire rod plants, and aluminium foil plants. India holds the rank of the eighth biggest primary aluminium producer in the world.

Question: Mention the 2 prime factors responsible for setting up an aluminium industry?

Answer: Availability of iron ore deposits near the location availability of water or near a water body transport facilities and road ,railway connection s required with other cities these are the prime factors hope it will help you.

Question: Name the basic raw material used in aluminium industry.

Answer: Aluminium is the most plentiful metal in the earth’s crust. It is found in the form of aluminium oxide in an ore called bauxite. Alumina and bauxite are the two main raw materials in the aluminium making process. Aluminium is obtained by the electrolysis of alumina which extracts pure aluminium metal from alumina.

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