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भारत-चीन सम्बन्ध

Nationalist Movement in Indo-China: 10 SST

Question: When was French Indo-China established?

Answer: 1887

Question: When did Vietnam get its Freedom?

Answer: 1945

Question: Mention any two steps which were taken by the French government to improve transportation in Vietnam.


  1. Trans Indo-China rail network was started linking northern and southern parts of Vietnam.
  2. A railway line was built linking Vietnam to Siam.

Question: How was the maritime silk route useful for Vietnam?

Answer: It was used for import and export of goods as well as for the exchange of ideas.

Question: Mention the main base of colonial economy of Vietnam.

Answer: Vietnam economy was primarily based on rice cultivation and rubber plantation owned by the French and small Vietnamese elites.

Question:  Name the countries which forms the Indo­-China.

Answer: (i) Vietnam, (ii) Laos, (iii) Cambodia

Question: Mention any two steps which were taken by the French to improve economic condition of Vietnam.


  1. The French began by building canals and draining lands in the Mekong.
  2. The vast system of irrigation was built.
  3. New infrastructure projects were launched.
  4. New railway lines were built.

Question: What were the major barriers to economic growth in Vietnam according to Bernard?


  1. High population level.
  2. Low agricultural productivity.
  3. Extensive indebtedness amongst the peasants.

Question: Mention any two proposals suggested by Bernard to improve the economic condition of Vietnam.

Answer: Land reforms

Question: Why did education become a dilemma for the French Colonizers? Give two reasons.


  1. After the introduction of education, the Vietnamese may begin to question colonial domination.
  2. French citizens living in Vietnam (called colons) began fearing that they might lose their jobs as teachers, shopkeepers, policemen-to the educated Vietnamese.

Question: What was Hoa Hao Movement?

Answer: It was a Buddhist religious movement launched c by Huynh Phu So, a native of Mekong river Jt delta. It drew on religious ideas popular in jranti-french uprisings of the nineteenth century.

Question: Why some policy makers of France to emphasized the need to use the French language as a medium of instruction in Vietnam?


  1. By learning the language, they felt, the Vietnamese would be introduced to the culture and civilization of France.
  2. The educated people in Vietnam would respect French sentiments and ideals.

Question: When were the Tonkin Free Schools established?

Answer: 1907

Question: Why was the Tonkin Free School started in 1907?

Answer: The Tonkin Free School was started in 1907 to provide a Western-style education.

Question: Name any one party formed by the students of Vietnam to fight against the colonial government?

Answer: The Party of Young Annan.

Question: Why most of the Vietnamese intellectuals were against the introduction of French curriculum in the schools?


  1. Because they feared that Vietnam was losing not just control over its territory but also its very identity.
  2. It war feared that the people may develop a master slave identity.

Question: Name any two religions practiced in Vietnam.

Answer: Buddhism and Confucianism.

Question: When was Scholars Revolt started?

Answer: 1868

Question: Who launched the Scholars Revolt?

Answer: The Scholars Revolt was launched by officials of the imperial court.

Question: Why was the Scholars Revolt launched?

Answer: The Scholars Revolt was launched by the officials at the imperial court who were angered by the spread of Catholicism and French power.

Question: Name a religious movement which was hostile to the Western presence in Vietnam.

Answer: The Scholars Revolt.

Question: Who was the founder of Hoa Hao movement?

Answer: Huynh Phu So.

Question: What were the opinions of intellectuals regarding the modernization of Vietnamese?


  1. Some felt that Vietnamese traditions had to be strengthened to resist the domination of the West.
  2. There were some scholars who felt that Vietnam had to learn from the West even while opposing foreign domination.

Question: Who was the founder of Revolutionary Society?

Answer: Phan Boi Chau

Question: Who was the author of “The History of the Loss of Vietnam”?

Answer: Phan Boi Chau

Question: What was the theme of the book, “The History of the loss of Vietnam?”

Answer: The loss of sovereignty and the severing of ties with China ties that bound the elites of the two countries within a shared culture.

Question: Name the Vietnamian nationalist who wanted to establish a Democratic Republic in Vietnam?

Answer: Phan Chu Trinh

Question: Name any two countries with which Vietnamese nationalists had a close relationship.

Answer: Japan and China.

Question: What was the development in China- which took place in 1911 and inspired the Vietnamese nationalists?

Answer: In 1911, the long established monarchy in China was overthrown by a popular movement under Sun Yat Sen, and a Republic was set up.

Question: Who was Sun Yat Sen?

Answer: He was a Chinese nationalist under whose leadership the long established monarchy in China was overthrown by a popular movement.

Question: Who was the founder of Indo-Chinese Communist Party?

Answer: Ho Chi Minh

Question: Who was the founder of Vietnamese Communist Party? Under what circumstances was the Party formed?

Answer: Vietnamese Communist Party was formed by Ho Chi Minh. In February 1930, during the Great Depression period, the uprisings were put down by the French with great severity. This provided an opportunity to the Vietnamese leaders to come together.

Question: Who was Huynh Phu so?

Answer: He was a nationalist of Vietnam who launched Hoa Hao movement.

Question: Who was Phan Boi Chau?

Answer: He was a Vietnamese nationalist who formed the Revolutionary Society. He also wrote a book named ‘. The History of the Loss of Vietnam.

Question: Who was Phan Chau Trinh?

Answer: He was a Vietnamese nationalist who was hostile to the monarchy and opposed the idea of resisting the French with the help of court.

Question: What was Viet Minh?

Answer: The Viet Minh was a revolutionary national liberation movement formed by Ho Chi Minh in 1941 to seek independence for Vietnam from France as well as Japanese occupation.

Question: Who was Bao Dai?

Answer: Bao Dai was a puppet king who was made emperor of South Vietnam after the Geneva Conference.

Question: What was the result of Geneva peace negotiation which took place after the defeat of the French forces in Vietnam?

Answer: The Vietnam was divided into two countries. Ho Chi Minh and communist took power in the north while Bao Dai’s regime was put in power in the south.

Question: What was ordinance 10?

Answer: It was a French law that permitted Christianity but outlawed Buddhism.

Question: Why US decided to intervene in Vietnam war?

Answer: The US entered the war due to the fear of communism.

Question: Name any two films which were produced in USA on Vietnam War.


  1. Green Berets – John Wayne’s.
  2. Apocalypse Now – John Ford Coppola’s

Question: Who were Trung sisters?

Answer: They were Vietnam nationalists who fought to save the nation from the Chinese.

Question: Who was Trieu Au?

Answer: She was a young girl who organised a large army to resist Chinese rule in Vietnam.

Question: When did the conflict with the US end in Vietnam and how?

Answer: The conflict with the US ended in 1974 with an peace agreement in Paris.

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