Wednesday , March 26 2025
Pastoralists in the Modern World

Child Labour Speech For Students And Children

Speech recitation, group discussion, etc are some of the most important necessities of the student’s school life as such activities help them to develop leadership qualities by eliminating their fear in front of public. Now-a-days, it is very necessary for the students to take part in the activities other than the academic activities because of the ever growing competitive environment. They must involve whenever they get chance as speech recitation is the only activity which removes student’s hesitation of talking. We have provided below variety of speeches on child labour in order to help students to actively participate in the speech recitation during any event celebration in their school. All the child labour speech provided below are written using very easy words and simple sentences especially for the students. So, you can select any of the speeches on child labour according to your need and requirement:

Child Labour Speech For Students And Children

Child Labour Speech 1

Good morning to the Excellencies, respected Principal sir, sir, madam, my seniors and dear colleagues. My name is … I study in class … Today we are here to celebrate this occasion so, I would like to speech on the topic of child labour. I am very grateful to my class teacher that she has given me such as a great opportunity to speech here on this topic.

My dear friends, I feel very proud to be the citizen of India however, on the other hand, it makes me shame also that our country is a home to largest number of child laborers all over the world. It is just because of some greedy and clever Indian citizens who involve small children in hazardous labour at low labour cost for their benefits. They never think about the development of their country; they are very selfish and want their own benefits only. Most of the child labour is found in the agriculture field in rural areas and in mining industry, zari, embroidery industry, etc in the urban areas.

Some of the main causes of child labour are poverty, lack of basic facilities to all, lack of social security, etc. There is a big gap between rich and poor people of society, limitation to the basic facilities, and huge level inequality. Such type of social issues adversely affects children of the society (especially poor child) more than other age groups.

Because of the poor condition and lack of knowledge, poor children become ready to work hard for a little payment where they are used as domestic workers in the urban areas. This condition of child labour almost resembles to the situation of slavery. Most of the parents give birth to their children only to earn money and strengthen their financial condition. They involve their kids in the domestic works as their support. We generally see children working in the tea stalls, dhabas, restaurants, hotels, and other hazardous occupations.

It is seen that children involve in the child labour are generally belong to the schedules tribes, schedule castes, OBC and Muslims children. It means, castism (low cast poor people) is also the big reason of child labour in India. Its existence in such an advanced era is because of the inefficient laws, bad administrative system, lack of political desire to eliminate it completely and huge benefits to the employers.

Bonded child labour is also a type of child labour which is generally found in the informal sector. In this, poor children become bonded to work for an employer against a loan, inherited debt or social obligation by the family. We can say bonded labour a form of slavery. Bonded child laborers are more prone to the physical and sexual abuse and any type of negligence cause death. They become psychologically and mentally ill and do not have any other option to survive. As being youth of the country, we should understand our responsibility towards the nation and take some positive steps to eliminate this social issue.

Thank You

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