Wednesday , March 26 2025
Labour Day

Labour Day Speech For Students And Children

4 Speeches On Labour Day

Labour Day Speech: Labour’s Day is an International Day celebrated worldwide in different countries. It is celebrated in India on 1st May commemorating the hard work of labours in the organisations, factories, sites, companies, etc. There are various NGOs, NPOs, government or private establishments, welfare associations, etc that work for the benefit of the labours and low-strata people today. There can be an occasion when you may be required to deliver speech on Labour’s Day. We have shared here various samples on Labour’s Day Speech, which you can use for preparing your speech depending upon the occasion. The language is kept very simple and straightforward yet very effective. Our Short speech on Labour’s Day can be used as a sample at an organisational level. The long speech on Labour’s Day presented here is very professional that can be used on different occasions such as events, celebrations, etc. We are very certain that you can get much help from these samples and create your own speech on Labour’s Day.

Labour Day Speech: 1

Labour Day Speech: Good Morning everyone, Thanks for your get together here and giving your precious time, on this occasion I am going to deliver a speech on Labour Day,

As we all know Labour Day is celebrated across the globe on 1st May of every year. This day is celebrated to pay the tribute to the workers who have made great contributions to make the world more strong and prosper.

Earlier in the nineteenth century working conditions were severe and by then workers went on strike and demanded for eight hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation and eight hours for rest.

Labour Day itself constitutes many privileges and welfare for the working men and women. It has cut down the daily working hours from 12-16 hours to 8 hours in a day. No company can compel any worker to work beyond 8 hours without getting paid for those extra hours.

Minimum wage rate has been fixed in order to safeguard the interest of the working people. Unions has been made to protect their rights.

The Child Act 1986 prohibited employing any child below 14 years and is considered as a criminal offence. No company can grow without hiring people who dedicatedly work for them. So in return of that they deserve the respect and fair judgement for the duties delivered on their part.

Labour Day has given the right to all the workers to enjoy the freedom and privileges they have gained for their contribution to the nation.

Thank You

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