Wednesday , March 26 2025
Labour Day

Labour Day Speech For Students And Children

Speech On Labour Day: 4

Good Morning Friends!

Labour Day Speech: We have gathered here to celebrate the International Labour’s Day at our company; it is celebrated annually on 1st May to commemorate the hard work and dedication of labours towards the organisation irrespective of their power and position, roles and responsibilities. Labour Day is an honour to the social and economic achievements of the workers. Labour Day is also known as ‘May Day’ or International Worker’s Day and is celebrated as a National Holiday in approximately 80 countries. It ideally constitutes annual and national acknowledgment towards the devotion and contributions of the workers who ensure the prosperity, strength and well-being of the country.

Our organisation gives utmost importance to the hard work of every employee and believes in giving them equal rights. I am associated with this company for around 35 years now and I haven’t come across a single issue or grievance that is related to the suppression of the labour’s rights.

Since we have many new joiners in the organisation who are also present today; I would like to give a brief about the origin of Labour’s day. May Day or the Labour Day originated in the late 19th Century from the United States labour union movement advocates eight hours of work per day. Since the working conditions in the late nineteenth century were pathetic and unsafe for the workers, they had to work for around 12-16 hours per day. In 1884, The Federation of Organized Trades and Labour Unions (FOLTU) passed a resolution that 8 working hours shall constitute a legal working day from 1st May, 1886 onwards. Several movements, strikes, etc were undertaken by the labours demanding a standard eight hours of working day. Five years later, 1st May was recognized as a National holiday by a socialist organization and gradually several countries adopted this culture.

May Day is purely celebrated to pay tribute and honour to the contributions made by the workers towards the betterment of an organisation and consequently our society. But today, the Labour Day has evolved as a labour union celebration losing the deeper and the true significance of this day.

Even though, our organisation strongly recognizes the rights of the labours also known as employees, but there are several companies which actually take the employees for granted. Though Labour Day was started to implement the 8-hour of work per day schedule, but an employee has several other rights in the organisation too. It’s important that the organisation doesn’t solely operate with the intention of generating profit; but it should also take care of the needs and requirements of the employees without whom, the company cannot achieve its goals. At the same time, labours or employees should also respect the work culture and stick to the code of conduct of the organisation they are working with.

Labour Day certainly protects the rights of the labours and the employees should not use it as a weapon to threaten the management in order to achieve undue advantages; only then will the purpose of the Labour Day will be fulfilled.

Thank You!

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