Wednesday , March 26 2025
Press Freedom Speech For Students

Press Freedom Speech For Students in Simple and Easy words

Long Speech on Freedom of Press in Democracy

Respected Principal Sir,

Respected Professors and Teachers, All Staff Members and My Dear Fellow Students!

First of all, thank you for taking out time and becoming a part of this important forum. Like every year, this year too, we have assembled to discuss about the topic that needs utmost attention. This year’s topic is ‘freedom of press in democracy’.

Freedom means liberty and it can be in any context such as freedom or right to move, speak, act, etc. as per one’s own wishes and will. Media (electronic, print, online) and Press are the most prominent and significant platform for expressing oneself.

Though Press referred to the newspaper industry in earlier time; with the advent of technology there are various other means such as online news, radio, television, blogs and websites, through which people get news.

India is a democratic country and each individual has the right of speech and expression. Any restrictions applying to the freedom of speech or expression would automatically affect the freedom of press as press plays an important role in expressing people’s feelings and emotions.

Freedom of press in democracy is very important as people today are informed and they cannot be restricted from sharing their views and opinions. Press and news media in democratic country such as India enjoy larger freedom; it also acts as a critical check on Authorities, Administrators and the Government. Free press usually brings to notice any socially incorrect and illegal activities.

Freedom of press and media is also important as they stand up against corruption, dictatorship and malpractices. They work all the time to deliver truthful news at a quick pace. They help in keeping the readers informed about everything that is taking place in the nation. Therefore, freedom of press in democracy is the fundamental requirement for achieving the ideologies of democracy. Comparing democracy and dictatorship unveils the stark contrast between governance for the people’s voice and the unchecked power of a single ruler, showcasing the divergent paths societies can take towards freedom and authority

However, it also becomes the fundamental duty and responsibility of the press and media to act towards increasing and strengthening the integrity and sovereignty of the nation. This would also help the people build a harmonious environment and cultivate unity.

In all the independent and democratic nations, citizen’s pride and dignity are protected through press and media and thus freedom of press in democracy is very important. However, freedom of press is still a debatable issue on the point whether press should be given complete freedom or some restrictions should be levied on press and media.

Some of the students today may like becoming reporters in the near future. They will be bestowed with responsibilities of reporting accurate and unbiased news to the people of the country. They may not enjoy abundant censorship on press; however they should make sure that they do not incite citizens against the Administrators, Government or the Authority. Hence, the freedom of press in democracy would be best ensured by not circulating fake, impartial, instigating news and provoking public against the government.

I rest my speech with the hope that you all will fulfill your responsibilities and duties with honesty and sincerity.

Thank You!

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