Wednesday , March 26 2025
Press Freedom Speech For Students

Press Freedom Speech For Students in Simple and Easy words

Long Speech on Freedom of Press and Judiciary

Respected Editor-in-chief,

Dear Writers and all Members / Staffs at our Media House!

I, on behalf of the entire media house, welcome you to the annual function of our center and thank you for being a part of the celebration today.

Now-a-days, much is spoken about the freedom and restrictions on press, media and judiciary.

Freedom means right to speak or express without any fear. It is important element in a democratic country as the society is liberal. Press and judiciary play an important role in helping preserve the civil rights. While media and press act as the watchdogs and keep a check on the activities of the authorities, government, public and private figures, etc., judiciary system ensures that law and order is maintained in the country.

However, it is important that the judiciary and press are independent and are not controlled or influenced by the government or any powerful figure. Courts should remain free from any influence to enable it to protect people’s freedom. Press is the most important medium people use to express their opinion in a democratic country. Press advocates for people right to speak and expression. Press and the judiciary are two institutions that complement each other because they preserve democratic values.

Judges have been bestowed with the authority to administer law, order and justice. They play a key role in keeping the people’s faith in judiciary system alive. An influenced or biased judiciary system would discourage people from appealing to the judiciary in cases of disputes, etc., which would create disharmony in the society. The Judges can only accomplish their duty fairly when they have been given proper and complete independence.

In a democratic country, freedom of press freedom is necessary as they keep a check on illegal activities and report the same in a timely manner. The role of press is to inform, blow whistle and help the judiciary system in maintaining the law and order. Therefore, freedom of press is critical so that they can fulfill their democratic responsibilities and ideologies. The preservation of freedom of press is also an element of the Bill of Rights. It ensures that the civil rights of media houses are protected from unnecessary interference of the government, etc.

However, it is also important that the reporters are impartial and discharge their duty with honesty. Public has become aware today and they can differentiate between the authentic and fake news. It becomes the duty, in such circumstances that all reporters report only accurate news. Media or press should not be considered a mean to degrade the image of any politician, government, institution, industry or religiously acclaimed figure. Only then we will do justice to our job.

I would like to say that we started this center with the aim to deliver the most unbiased and transparent news to the public and we will continue doing so and I appeal to all my writers to walk hand-in-hand with me towards my journey.

On this note, I rest my speech.

Thank You!

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