Wednesday , March 26 2025
Speech On Swami Vivekananda

Speech On Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda Speech – 3

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Fellow Students – Good Morning to one and all!

I, [Rajesh Verma] from standard – IX (C), am going to deliver a speech on Swami Vivekananda on the occasion of World Spirituality Day. Not many of us know much about Swami Vivekananda, who has been a great spiritual legend born in India. Even though he was an Indian by birth, his mission of life was not restricted to just national boundaries, but went far beyond that. He dedicated his life for the service of mankind which of course transcended national borders. He strove in his entire life to spread human brotherhood and peace on the spiritual groundwork of the Vedantic Union of existence. A sage from the highest order, Swami Vivekananda possessed an unmediated as well as intuitive experience of the actual, physical world. He used to receive his ideas from that unparalleled source of wisdom and time and again showcased them in the stunning garb of poetry.

It was the natural tendency of Shri Vivekananda and his disciples to rise above this world and immerse in the meditation of the absolute. However, having said that we cannot deny that there was another part to his personality which empathized with people from across the world after seeing their suffering and miserable condition. It may be perhaps that his mind was never at rest and remained in the state of oscillation between the meditation of God and service to the entire human race. In whatever way it was, his great obedience to the higher authority and service to mankind made him an endearing personality not only for the natives, but Americans in particular.

Besides, he was a part of one of the brilliant religious institutions of contemporary India and founded the Ramakrishna Order of Monks. It is dedicated to the proliferation of the Hindu spiritual values not only in India, but abroad as well, namely America. He once addressed himself as ‘condensed India’.

His teachings and life carry an inestimable value for the West because it provides them with a window to study the Asian mind. The philosopher from Harvard, i.e. William James addressed Swami Vivekananda as the “paragon of Vedantists”. Paul Deussen and Max Muller, the celebrated Orientalists from the 19th century, held him with great esteem and a sense of regard. According to Remain Rolland, “his words” are no less than the great lyrical composition, like you have Beethoven music or like the rousing rhythms of Handel choruses.

Thus, I would urge everyone to resuscitate the writings of Swami Vivekananda and pay tribute to him. His works are like precious gems lying ignored in the library, so bring them up and add luster to an otherwise dull life of yours by drawing inspiration from his works and life.

I would now request my fellow students to come on stage and share their thoughts on the same as it will of a great value to us.

Thank You!

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