Wednesday , March 26 2025
World No-Tobacco Day Speech For Students in English

World No-Tobacco Day Speech For Students in English

World No-Tobacco Day Speech: As Mahatma Gandhi said, “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” Let us prioritise our health above all else and work towards a tobacco-free world. A very warm welcome to our honourable chief guest, all the faculty members present here and my fellow students. I am Harman Malik, a student of class X. Today, we have gathered here to commemorate World No-Tobacco Day, a day that reminds us of the importance of staying away from tobacco and its harmful effects. This day is celebrated globally every year on 31st May, and its objective is to raise awareness about the ill effects of tobacco consumption and encourage people to quit smoking.

World No-Tobacco Day Speech:

As we all know, smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths worldwide, and it’s important to understand its devastating effects on our health. Smoking not only harms the smoker but also those around them, including their family, friends, and co-workers. It not only affects our physical health but also our mental health, making it difficult to quit.

Need to Quit:

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths worldwide, and its effects are far-reaching and devastating. Not only does it harm the smoker, but also those around them, including family, friends, and co-workers.

Quitting smoking is not easy, and it requires a lot of effort and commitment. However, the benefits of quitting are immense, and they are both immediate and long-term.

First and foremost, quitting smoking improves our health. Smoking causes a range of health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and respiratory illnesses. By quitting smoking, we reduce our risk of developing these health problems and improve our overall health and well-being.

Quitting smoking also has an immediate impact on our finances. Smoking is an expensive habit, and the money spent on cigarettes can quickly add up. By quitting smoking, we can save a significant amount of money that can be put towards other important things, such as education, travel, or retirement.

Quitting smoking also has a positive impact on our social life. Smoking can be a socially isolating habit, as many people are now choosing to avoid places where smoking is allowed. By quitting smoking, we can improve our social life and enjoy more activities with our friends and family.

Finally, quitting smoking is a responsible choice that can help protect the health of those around us. Second-hand smoke can cause a range of health problems, particularly for children and non-smokers. By quitting smoking, we reduce the risk of exposing those around us to the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.


As we observe this day, let us remind ourselves that tobacco consumption is a serious problem that needs our attention. It’s time we take responsibility for our health and make a conscious effort to stay away from tobacco. Thank You.

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