Wednesday , March 26 2025
World Population Day

World Population Day Speech For Students And Children

World Population Day Speech 4

Dear Friends!

Good morning and thank you for making it today on such a short notice!

Though you must be aware about the reason why we have assembled here, but for all those who are still wondering, I’ll quickly share the purpose of this meeting. Actually we have received a letter from the local authority inquiring about our agenda this year for the celebration of World Population Day launched by the United Nation. The day is an annual celebration observed on 11th of July every year for promoting the rights of people and also to help them plan their family in a better way possible. It supports events, activities and information in order to spread awareness amongst the people so that they can utilize their rights and take appropriate decisions about their family.

Our organization is famous across the city for celebrating World Population Day with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. I am very glad to share that the local as well as the State Government look up to us for spreading awareness amongst people of their rights and choice regarding family planning.

Luckily, this time we have broader plans as besides making people aware of their rights and responsibilities; we will also inform them about certain diseases that may invade owing to the non-planning of your family. We all know that in our country, girl’s marriage at a minor age is still prevalent. Girls once get married are expected to give birth to children and if they give birth to a girl child, they are expected to bring a baby boy in the world; this chain continues till the time they don’t give birth to a boy. Unfortunately in our country, gender inequality is still a major issue. People seldom realize that a minor girl, if gets pregnant may undergo a lot of health issues and this may eventually affect her own health as well whom she gives birth to. Malnutrition is one of the most prominent diseases resulting from such pregnancy.

India is a progressive country and such evil practices are major roadblocks in the path of India’s success. People have to realize that there is no difference between a baby boy and a girl. Girls are equally capable of bringing accolades to a family provided they are given uninterrupted education and equal upbringing. Thus, World Population Day also aims at gender equality and women empowerment.

It is important that women in rural and urban areas who want to avoid pregnancy use effective and safe family planning methods. Correct and complete information is very vital in adopting a healthy life.

We have plans to set up health and information camps in various parts of the country, especially in villages and rural areas. This year, we are also planning to organize skits and dramas based on Hindu mythology and epic stories of Durga, Kali, Saraswati and other Gods and Goddesses. Village girls would be trained to perform on these skits. Our Indian culture never differentiated between boy and girl, nor did it suppress women’s rights; this is what we are trying to convey to the people countrywide. In fact, India is a land where goddesses are revered and prayed to; thus little girls are also considered the incarnation of Goddess Durga.

We are hopeful that this initiative would be welcomed by everyone. We have also been promised of funds from the local authority. Though we have limited time, but I am sure that your commitment and hard work would make this a successful event.

Thank You!

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