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Tag Archives: NCERT Class 7 Social Science Solutions

NCERT 7th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Institutional Representation of Democracy


Question: “The right to vote was not always a universal right.” Explain with examples. Answer: The right to vote was not always a universal right. In early democracies, only some people were allowed to vote. For example, in the United Kingdom only male landowners who were Protestant by faith, could vote. …

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NCERT 7th Class (CBSE) Social Science: The Changing Face of the Earth

NCERT 5th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Movements of the Earth – Their effect

Question: Define “Lithospheric Plates”. Answer: According to the theory, the lithosphere is broken up into number of pieces called tectonic or lithospheric plates. It consists of crust and outer parts of upper mantle. There are six major and 20 minor plates, all of which floats independently. Question: Distinguish between endogenetic and …

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NCERT 7th Class (CBSE) Social Science: The Interior of the Earth

NCERT 7th Class (CBSE) Social Studies: The Interior of the Earth

Question: Distinguish between rocks and minerals. Answer: Difference is as follows: Question: Distinguish between intrusive and extrusive rocks. Answer: Difference is as follows: Question: Name the main types of rocks with three examples of each. Answer: There are three types of rocks: Igneous rocks: Granite, Dolerite, Basalt. Metamorphic rocks: Marble, Slate, Quartzite. Sedimentary rocks: Sandstone, …

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NCERT 7th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Our Environment

Our Environment

Question: Explain the following terms- Environment, Lithosphere, Biosphere, Ecosystem, Pollution and Urbanization. Answer: Definitions are as follows: Environment – It refers to all external conditions in which an organism lives. It comes from the french word ‘environ’ which means to surround. It is used to describe everything, such as places, …

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NCERT 7th Class (CBSE) Social Science: State Government

NCERT 7th Class (CBSE) Social Studies: State Government

Question: Why is the legislative council called a permanent body? Answer: The legislative council is called a permanent body because it cannot be dissolved. Every second year one-third of its member who complete their term retire. Question: How are representatives to the Vidhan Sabha elected? How have the territorial constituencies …

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