वीर कुंवर सिंह 7th Class NCERT CBSE Hindi Chapter 17 प्रश्न: वीर कुंवर सिंह के व्यक्तित्व की कौन-कौन सी विशेषताओं ने आपको प्रभावित किया? [Important] उत्तर: वीर कुंवर सिंह के व्यक्तित्व की निम्न विशेषताएँ हमें प्रभावित करती हैं: वीर सेनानी: कुंवर सिंह महान वीर सेनानी थे। 1857 के विद्रोह में …
Read More »Ideals Of Our Constitution: 8th SST
Question: Define Preamble. Answer: The preface or introduction to our Constitution is known as the Preamble. The Preamble indicates the source, the objectives and the underlying spirit of our Constitution. Question: On which date the Indian Constitution was passed by the Constituent assembly? Answer: November 26, 1949 Question: Who is …
Read More »Gender Religion Caste: 10th Pol Science
Question: What do you mean by sexual division of labour? Answer: A system in which all work inside the home is either done by the women of the family, or organised by them through the domestic helpers. Question: What are feminist movements? Answer: The movements which aimed at equality of men …
Read More »Democracy and Diversity: 10 Political Science
Question: Who led the Civil rights movement in the USA? Answer: Martin Luther King led the Civil rights movement in the USA. Question: What difference does migration make to social homogeneity? Answer: Migrants bring their own culture with them making the society heterogeneous. Question: Give two examples to show that …
Read More »Minerals and Energy Resources: 10 SST
Question: Give three examples of metallic and three examples of non-metallic minerals. Answer: Metallic Minerals are – Iron-ore, Copper, Manganese, Nickel. Non-Metallic Minerals – Limestone, Dolomite, Mica. Question: Name four important iron ore-producing states of India. Answer: The four iron-ore producing states are: Chhattisgarh Jharkhand Odisha Karnataka Question: Name four …
Read More »Manufacturing Industries: 10th Social Science
Question: Name two most important sugar producing states of India. Answer: Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra Question: Name three major air pollutants. Answer: Air borne dust, smoke and undesirable gases are three major air pollutants. Question: List four Agro based industries. Answer: Sugar, edible oil, cotton and silk are Agro based …
Read More »Rise of Nationalism in Europe: 10th History
Question: Who was Frederic Sorrier? Answer: Frederic Sorrier was a painter. Question: In which year did Frederic Sorrier prepare a series of four prints? Answer: In 1848 Question: Which famous French artist had prepared a series of four prints visualising his dreams of a world? Answer: Frederic Sorrier Question: What …
Read More »Nationalist Movement in Indo-China: 10 SST
Question: When was French Indo-China established? Answer: 1887 Question: When did Vietnam get its Freedom? Answer: 1945 Question: Mention any two steps which were taken by the French government to improve transportation in Vietnam. Answer: Trans Indo-China rail network was started linking northern and southern parts of Vietnam. A railway …
Read More »Nationalism in India: 10th Social Science
Question: When did Mahatma Gandhi return to India? Answer: 1915 Question: Name any two methods used by Gandhiji to fight against the Britishers. Answer: (1) Satyagraha (2) Non-Violence Question: Name any four places where Satyagraha was launched by Gandhiji. Answer: (1) Champaran – Bihar (2) Kheda – Gujarat (3) Ahmedabad …
Read More »The making of a global world: 10th SST
Question: What is globalization? Answer: Movement of people, goods and services across the nations has been termed as globalization. Question: What were silk routes? Answer: These were the routes which knitted together vast regions of Asia and linked Asia with Europe and northern Africa. These routes are known to have …
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