Saturday , March 29 2025
Unseen Passages

Unseen Comprehension Passages

Unseen Comprehension Passages  Set I – [10]

Read the following passage carefully:

Drawing is the making of picture using a pointed or sharpened tool. It is related to writings of the words were originally simple drawings of the things the word represented.

Humans have made drawings from pre-historic times. The first drawings were made by scratching marks on earth, rock or tree bark with pointed sticks or stones. When paper was invented many thousands of years later, a wider range of drawing tools could be used.

Today we have the choice of pencil or crayon, pen and link, charcoal and pastels, felt-tip and roller pens and so on. Each of these tools are gives a different effect and needs a different technique. The latest drawing tools are special computer programs which can reproduce electronically many of the qualities of traditional drawings.

There are many methods of drawing and the one chosen depends upon what the artist aims to achieve.

We usually think of drawing as being an artistic activity but this is not always so. Many drawings are made in order to provide information or to help people construct things. Architects’ plans and engineers’ drawings are two examples of these ‘working drawings.’

A on the basis of you reading of the above passage choose the correct options:

1. The Chinese originally used their drawings to represent their:

  1. Words
  2. Culture
  3. History
  4. Skill and talent

2. Which tools were used to make pre-historic drawings?

  1. Pen and pencil
  2. Nails and fingers
  3. Sticks and stones
  4. Chisel and hammer

3. What is the aim of the different methods of drawings?

  1. To help the artist get what he wants to achieve
  2. To display progress in drawing
  3. To give more information to the people or observer
  4. To keep the artist happy and engrossed

4. ‘Working drawings’ are those:

  1. That are made by charcoal and pastels
  2. Which use different effects and techniques
  3. That are made by ‘working’ people
  4. That are made in order to provided information

5. The drawings were initiated:

  1. In the pre-historic times
  2. Thousands of years ago
  3. In the Chinese era
  4. In the present times

6. Find word or group of words from the passage which mean the same as follows :

  1. Relating to time or a period before the recorded history. (paragraph-2)
  2. Following the customs that have continued in the society for a long time. (paragraph-3)

7. The antonym of the word – ‘ancient’ is _____________.

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