Saturday , March 29 2025
Unseen Passages

Unseen Comprehension Passages

Unseen Comprehension Passages  Set I – [07]

Read the following passage carefully:

Tree Climbing

What is tree climbing? It is a sport in which the climbers climb up a tall tree in a slow two-step process: they stand in stirrups on a rope and advance roughly 45 centimeter at a time, a motion they repeat hundreds times to reach the top.

Why tree climbing? Is tree climbing dangerous? Does it hurt the tree? These are some of the questions about tree climbing that arise in our minds.

Most people who climb trees do it for the sheer fun and adventure in it and brings together friends. Tree climbers don’t use spikes and their harness and ropes do not harm the trees in any way.

John San, a tree climbing instructor and founding member of Tree Climbing, Japan, says “The entire experience is about safety and equipment, teamwork and having fun”. He finds oneness with nature above the ground and he is eager to draw into his world anyone who is prepared to experience what he calls the miracle of tree climbing.

John San feels there are unlimited opportunities for personal growth when climbing trees. His organisation brings abused children and people with disabilities to a magical place where they can safely experience the wonder of nature.

It is the therapeutic properties of tree climbing that John San promotes most often. John San recalls the time when he had invited a wheelchair-bond women to climb with his group as part of an ongoing programme called Tree-hab. It was an experience that the woman could never forget. Being in a wheelchair, she was used to people looking down at her. But in the tree she felt equal with and could look down to see people on the ground. In the tree, she felt she was flying, something for didn’t need her legs!

On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following questions:

  1. How is tree climbing an adventure sport?
  2. ‘……….. a magical place ………..’ What is the magical place that is being referred to?
  3. Why does John San climb trees?
  4. Who has benefited the most from the efforts of the programmed, Tree-hab?
  5. How did the physically disabled woman feel on climbing the three?

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